How We Can Help You
Whether you need to retrofit your foundation, secure masonry, or install a seismic gas shut-off valve, improving seismic safety is a great way to protect your family and your largest asset. Here are a few things to consider when deciding if you should retrofit your home:
Is your home secured to the foundation using specifically engineered hardware with bolts?
Are the cripple walls sufficiently supported with proper sheathing?
Does the post and beam support system meet current building codes?
Are your home's footings sufficient to withstand a strong earthquake?
Our licensed and bonded general contractors can help determine the level of seismic safety in your home and work with you to determine if a retrofit for your foundation or other work is needed.
We provide a virtual tour which shows how your home will be upgraded to achieve your goals and desired outcome. We will provide all engineering, equipment, hardware, and city permitting to complete the project. These steps will reduce confusion during the project and increase the chances of staying in your home for as long as you desire.
“The team at EARTHQUAKE FIT has helped property owners accomplish greater safety and peace of mind for a number of businesses and families across the Willamette Valley. They inspire everyone to strengthen their neighborhood communities by being better prepared for staying where you want to be - for as long as you can.”
Benefits include:
Improved seismic safety for you and your family so you can rest easy
Compliance with current building code standards
Increased home value with greater appeal to home buyers
Planning and working towards being “2 Weeks Ready” as recommended by the State of Oregon
Reducing your chances of being displaced during a seismic event.