Study projects damage from rare Portland Hills quake, Cascadia earthquake

An interesting read on the Cascadia earthquake, the expected damage and what people should do to prepare.

Experts urge planning for shelter options

According to Ali Ryan Hansen with DOGAMI, “While the earthquake will result in injuries and deaths, people are far more likely to be displaced from their homes. Residents need to figure out where they would go if a quake hit.

"People need to be thinking about, If my home isn’t safe to live in, what’s my plan for shelter?" She said. "Do I have friends and family who live in homes that were built more recently that are less likely to be damaged in an earthquake? Do I have room in my yard to put up a tent and should I plan to stay at my home but be in some other kind of shelter like a tent or an outdoor building?" - Sara Roth and Jeff Thompson

More information in the following report: